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Publicly loosing control of your emotions!

A series of events lead to me losing control of my emotions, publicly.  

  1. 4am start to clean and pack the house 
  2. Our luggage was overweight and needed to be repacked at the check-in counter
  3. The kids and I were all well over tired and had not had breakfast
  4. The flight to PN was cancelled due to poor weather
  5. We had already returned the car and cleaned out our accommodation
  6. I had to request a reliever for another day in my classroom - another day without wages
  7. God was with us; when rebooking our tickets for the next day I asked the Air NZ lady if we were "allowed to sleep here", meaning at the airport terminal. She booked and paid for us to stay in a motel. We had to pay for transport and food. BLESSING!
  8. I used the PN hospital taxi voucher (for the first time) to get us to the motel. The voucher declined. 
  9. I tried to follow the instructions on the instruction sheet if it declined, but the taxi manager wouldn't allow this. 
  10. It was a Sunday so we were unable to speak to the PN hospital transport team
  11. The kids were stressed at the situation and started to bicker
  12. Did I mention that we were tired and hungry?
  13. My card declined when paying the taxi
  14. It was still only 10am - check-in was at 2pm
The motel we had been booked into was fantastic!  As I sorted out the taxi situation (with my emergency cash stash - thanks for that tip mum!) I went to the check-in counter and explained that AirNZ had sent us there.  The tears started to roll down my cheeks. Harmony started to panic (I don't normally show this type of emotion... get it together mum!)  The manager took one look at me and processed us... "humm... lets see what rooms we have that are ready immediately.... yes... here is one... " She was awesome; completely reading the situation and attending, very gracefully, to my needs. Within the few short minutes she had checked us in, I was uncontrollably sobbing, gasping for air, ugly crying... all the way to the room. 

I gave the kids some of the 'emergency cash stash' and sent them across the road to get a pizza (for breakfast!)  Within a few minutes, Dee had rung me to see if I was OK because the kids had rung him, worried! 

Normally I cry privately. Today I couldn't help it.... I couldn't stop it, it just had to come out.
We were in Christchurch, with no money or transport to get to Burwood to visit Dee... just added salt to the wounds. God really did bless us though. I had a nice hot shower, lay in my bed (that I shared with my beautiful, cuddly son) and watched TV. The kids had pizza and wifi, so they were happy enough too! Try again tomorrow. 
