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I even miss those stupid dogs

Dee always said we would never have pets. After his wee daughter blinked her pretty little eyelids at him... "please, Daddy..."  we currently have 3 dogs and a cat. 

Bene, our eldest dog, has had a lump growing on his front left leg for about 6 months. This week we are waiting for surgery to have it cut off. While we were away in Christchurch it changed, started weeping, and is now bleeding constantly.  The vet said it is likely to be superficial, but the initial test came back inconclusive. (Seems to be a theme for us!)

Today's distraction was waking up to find dog vomit all down the bed duvet, right beside the covers!!  Typical! 

Anyway, Dee is missing home so much that he said he even misses "those stupid dogs!" Can you believe he would ever say such a thing!  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

BENE's surgery update... (Wednesday 23 February 2022)

Surgery went well today! They got the whole lump removed and our wee boy came home at the end of the day, pretty wobbly on his feet! Check out the photos.... 


  1. Surgery went well!
    Apart from having to get more staples put in 5 days later, he is good as gold again!


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