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Blessings & more blessings

We have been so very blessed! 

It is hard not to see it everywhere we look. 

Today the kids have not coped. They are tired, over the late-weird routine, hate sitting around outside all the time (no seating), sick of having no wifi, missing their friends, really missing their dogs, even missing school! There were lots of tears and tantrums today. 

When we had our morning prayer, we talked about looking for the blessings in the everyday things around us and that the things we focus on really influence how we feel. Anyway... when I reflect on the blessings we have encountered throughout this whole ordeal, it is quite overwhelming! 

He continues to provide for all the things we need... AND want. 

When we came to Christchurch, we had known it was coming for weeks, but actually only got 2 days notice. There was no accommodation available in the onsite Burwood Spinal Unit accommodation, no motels in the area had accommodation available for our consecutive dates (we would have had to hotel change every few days) and there was very limited funding support available through the hospital. However, God went before us and we have EVERYTHING we need and way more than we could have imagined!  We are so grateful for the beautiful accommodation and the vehicle that has been provided (our lifeline), the support from the Christchurch local SDA family and the constant financial support from family and friends back home! We are so humbled by your active love. The children are blown away that people who don't even know us can love on us in such huge ways. It really has been quite life changing for us all. 

Dee and I have always prayed for God to 'use us'. We also said we didn't want to be sent away overseas to be used.... well, be careful what you wish for, aye!  We didn't specifically say 'no paralysis!' 🤣 I spoke to someone this morning that posed the question; 'if this was all to save one person, would it be worth it?'  The answer, of course, is yes!
When we look around the spinal unit, we really see our blessings. There are some very sad stories and hurting people. It is a blessing to know that these bodies and this world is temporary, and there is more to come. 


  1. That's the beach we found just 5 mins up the road from where we are staying!

  2. Hugs and prayers. Keep telling the story. ❤️


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