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Life's not so bad here

 As predicted, we have gotten used to life in Burwood and it's not so bad here. 

We know the routines and expectations now; which nurses to steer clear of, when the doors get locked, and the best places to hang out together.  We have even spent some time exploring some of the local attractions while we have been here! 

We have had some surprise visitors down here too! Familiar faces have been such a pick-me-up for everyone and we were all thoroughly surprised!

Our new Christchurch friends are awesome! We have loved getting to know you all, even if it has just been through messages online, and we look forward to more encounters and catch-ups with you.

We have 4 days left before we return to Palmerston North. It's going to be weird not seeing Dee every day and creating a new routine for ourselves again. I am so glad we all came down with him. It has been a tumultuous few weeks for us all, but it has given us all an understanding of what he is going through and the things he will be talking about over the phone in the coming weeks/months.  We understand the routines, what and who he is dealing with each day, where the struggles are, and how it all works here. Dee is feeling more prepared to go it alone now, mentally he is preparing himself for this next stage. 

Your prayers are appreciated; specifically for him to feel God's presence and peace. 
