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Family time before leaving Dad in Christchurch

 It was hard for everyone. We all had a little cry when we had to drive away from him, sitting in his wheelchair out in the carpark, watching in the rearview mirror, as we leave Daddy alone in Christchurch. 

We enjoyed some fun family time, taking photos, having a giggle, talking about what the next bit of our 'normal life' will look like. It is such a weird feeling leaving a loved one alone to face something huge. We are so blessed with the technology we have available to us now, to stay connected, even though we are so far away. 

The kids are relieved to be going home to routine, school, their dogs, and their friends. Even though they will miss Daddy. I have my masters project and a bunch of overdue assignments to look forward to!

We head back to Pegasus for one last sleep. We have to clean out the beautiful (large) house we have been staying in, pack our belongings from the last month, and leave home at 6:30am to return the car and get to the airport for our flight the following morning. 
