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Planning meetings with support agencies

Our Occupational Therapist & Social Worker from PN Hospital have been in contact to discuss our next steps & options. We have to make some very difficult decisions with regards to home modifications and equipment needs if we want to get Dee home.  WINZ, Mana Whaikaha, and MOH have all currently declined his case for funding. This is mainly due to the lack of diagnosis and that treatment trials mean his condition is constantly changing. Because he has more movement some days and none others, they are not willing to fund equipment and modifications that may not be needed in the long term. After discussions around Dee potentially coming home soon, it seems the only current option is for him to remain in hospital until we can fund these things ourselves, or the situation changes again. 

Many people will be shocked to hear that the NZ health system is not financially supporting Dee to come home. Instead the costs for him to live in hospital are absorbed. Doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but it is the right place for him right now. We just miss him. 
