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Showing posts from January, 2022

Week One Done And Dusted... An update on Dee's progress

Thanks for your messages of support!  Loads of people are asking for updates... we have been here for just over a week now... but honestly, it feels like we have been here for months!   I'm not gonna lie... it's pretty crap. He is suffering down here... he feels like it is prison, Covid rules mainly. One visitor and one dependent at a time. But, we are allowed to sit in the gardens together. Visiting hours at 11am - 7pm and they announce at 6:30pm that visitors have to leave, then patrol the ward and lock the doors at 7pm. He is really hating Burwood... they are very strict and he is quite the home body, but he will get used to it! And it is the best place for him right now. It is good for his recovery here. I know that it wont be long before he has learnt all the rules and routines, gotten to know what is expected of him and starts to feel good again. Plus, he will get to know people better. New things and places are always hard to adjust to and everything feels better aft

Burwood: Rules, Rules, Rules...

Upon arrival at Burwood Spinal Unit, it was immediately clear that they are VERY strict with the rules....  The covid visiting rules The hoisting rules The scheduling rules The lock up rules Only 1 visitor (and 1 dependent) per patient is allowed. We have to take turns to be with him. Half of us wait outside under the tree, or in the whanau room, while the other half visit with him.  Dee's nurse even checked the photos on my phone to ensure that there were no staff or other patients in any of the photos that I took.  Dee is not allowed to slide-board transfer to go to the toilet, or his wheelchair. He has to wait to be hoisted as he had not had clearance from all the medical parties yet. Visiting hours are STRICTLY 11am - 7pm. They make a PA around the unit at 6:30pm telling everyone that it is time to say your farewells, then at 7pm they patrol the hallways and ensure all visitors are gone.  On Dee's second night in Burwood he got locked out of the unit! He was sitting out in

In the beginning....

When this all started... way back in Oct-Nov 2021... we thought it would be a wee trip to recovery. Well... this document juat didn't cut it... so was born the blog. Here is the early story. The blog was started when we came to the Burwood Spinal Unit in January 2022.  Palmy Hospital Oct 2021 - Jan 2022